As part of our Liquid Summer relaunch, we entasked 3 of our favourite photographers to capture content.
We gave them one flavour to focus on each, along with an open brief to go out and capture what they felt was the essence of that flavour.
Safe to say, all of them smashed it, and to celebrate their amazing work we wanted to showcase them as creatives and delve a bit deeper into their thinking.
We spent a bit of time with them after the shoot to understand how they approached it...
Meet Camille
You were shooting Holiday Romance what were you trying to capture in your images?
I think what is particularly fun about a holiday romance is that the small moments are often as exciting as the big ones. Punchy has the same effect, there’s a sense of occasion when you have a punchy. So I tried to capture a mix of those big and small moments of a holiday romance that are made special with punchy.
Where did you choose to do your punchy shoot and why?
Siena. It worked out to be great timing that I was going there with two of my best friends who are a couple so it was the perfect spot to capture a holiday romance. I also really love the rosey/gold light in Italy, it adds a romantic quality to images that is hard to find elsewhere.
Who is your biggest creative inspiration and why?
Many of my family and friends are creatives, so I’d say my biggest creative inspiration comes from them. They’re all very talented and encouraging to other creatives so I draw a lot of inspiration from them.
What's your favourite spot to drink a punchy?
In the sunshine. Or on a Monday in the rain so it can take me back there.
Best song to drink a punchy to?
The Drop by The Nextman, Joe Dukie.